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Online Chips Catalog

Online Chips sells a variety of microchips, integrated circuits, transisitors and other obsolete,discontinued or hard to find military parts. We update our catalog on a reqular basis, but if you do not find what you are looking for please will out a request for quote and our professional sales staff/traders will be able to quickly help you fill your request.

Catalog Index

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Parts List

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NH-41036 PC 20NH-41036ASSYNH-41036PC7NH-41036PC8
NH-41036PC97NH-41185 PIECE 231NH-41185PC231(M0D)NH-41233PC25
NH-458-50028-6NH-459F2NH-5 .025 OHM 3%NH-5 .1 OHM .5% RESISTOR,FIXED
NH-5 .1 OHM 1%NH-5 .1 OHM 3%NH-5 .23 OHM 1%NH-5 .604 OHM 1%
NH-5 .75 OHM 1%NH-5 0.14 OHM 1PCTNH-5 0.23OHMPORM1PCTNH-5 0.499 OHM 1PCT
NH-5 0.75OHMPORM1PCTNH-5 10 KOHM 5%NH-5 10K OHMS 5%NH-5 145 OHMS 1%
NH-5 1OHM 0.5%NH-5 285.72 OHMS 0.05PCTNH-5 285.72OHMS PORM0.05PCTNH-5 2K OHMS 1%
NH-5 4 OHMS 1%NH-5 4OHMPORM1PCTNH-5 5.1K OHMS 1%NH-5 7 OHM 1%
NH-5-12 .1 OHM 1%NH-5-12-0.1OHM PORM1%NH-5-145 OHMS-/+1%NH-5-2 7 OHMS 3%
NH-50 .1 OHM 1%NH-50 .5 OHM 1%NH-50 .511 OHM 1PCTNH-50 .95 OHM 1%
NH-50 0.249 OHM 1PCTNH-50 0.25 OHM 1PCTNH-50 1 OHM 1%NH-50 133K OHMS 1PCT
NH-50 15 OHMS 1%NH-50 20 OHMS 1PCTNH-50 22.5K OHMS 1%NH-50 4.66 OHMS 1%
NH-50 4.99 OHMS 1%NH-50 470 1 PERCENTNH-50 50 OHMS 0.1PCTNH-50 50 OHMS 3%
NH-50 8.2 OHMS 1%NH-50 801 OHMS 2PCTNH-50 801 OHMS 3PCTNH-50-1210 OHM-1%
NH-50-15-1NH-50-20OHMSPORMNH-50-21 499 OHMS 1%NH-50-22.5KOHMPORM1PCT
NH-5962R9578001VCCNH-6205 PIECE 424NH-6234 PC 418NH-6234 PIECE 780
NH-6376NH-6376 PIECE 419NH-6376 PIECE 420NH-6425 PIECE 69
NH-6425 PIECE 914NH-6536NH-6585NH-6585 PIECE 12
NH-6585 PIECE 33NH-6585 PIECE 374NH-6585 PIECE 629NH-6585 PIECE 631
NH-6590 PIECE 306X307NH-6590 PIECE 33NH-6590 PIECE 424NH-6590 PIECE 96
NH-6638 PIECE 33NH-6638 PIECE 68NH-6735NH-6747 PIECE 1184
NH-6747 PIECE 3NH-6747 PIECE 415NH-6747 PIECE 637NH-6747 PIECE 69
NH-6751 PIECE 157NH-6751 PIECE 322NH-6751 PIECE 637NH-6764
NH-6764 PIECE 1249NH-6764 PIECE 247NH-6764 PIECE 323NH-6764 PIECE 637
NH-6764 PIECE 737NH-7011 PIECE 22MNH-7011 PIECE 633NH-7011 PIECE 634
NH-7011 PIECE 637NH-7011 PIECE 96NH-7016NH-7016 PIECE 29
NH-7016 PIECE 381NH-7016 PIECE 60NH-7016 PIECE 70NH-7016 PIECE 709
NH-7016 PIECE 99NH-7025NH-7025PIECE107NH-7025PIECE1275
NH-7025PIECE317NH-7034NH-7034 PC 1010NH-7034 PC 1184
NH-7034 PC 507NH-7034 PC 637NH-7034 PC 71NH-7034 PC 72
NH-7034 PIECE 1283NH-7034 PIECE 156SNH-7034 PIECE 157SNH-7034 PIECE 1647
NH-7034 PIECE 636NH-7047NH-7047 PIECE 1090NH-7047 PIECE 38
NH-7047 PIECE 58NH-7052 PIECE 307NH-7052 PIECE 64NH-7072 PIECE 8
NH-710-AGSNH-7101NH-7101 PIECE 25NH-7161
NH-7161 PIECE 1184NH-7161 PIECE 1249NH-7161 PIECE 38NH-7161 PIECE 632
NH-7161 PIECE 633NH-7161 PIECE 634NH-7161 PIECE 72NH-7161 PIECE 883
NH-7161 PIECES 306,307NH-7186NH-7186 PIECE 30NH-7186 PIECE 53
NH-7223 PIECE 33NH-7247 PIECE 1748NH-7247 PIECE 52NH-7266
NH-7266 PIECE 21NH-7274NH-7274 PC 161NH-7274 PIECE 1166
NH-7274 PIECE 323NH-7274 PIECE 33NH-7274 PIECE 337NH-7274 PIECE 418
NH-7274 PIECE 53NH-7274 PIECE 731NH-7274 PIECE 737NH-7274 PIECE 780
NH-7274 PIECE 96NH-7290 PIECE 314NH-7306 PIECE 7NH-7306 PIECE 737
NH-7317 PIECE 53NH-7317 PIECE 629-631NH-7317 PIECE 632NH-7317 PIECE 633
NH-7317 PIECE 634NH-7319NH-7335 PIECE 939NH-7340

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